Friday, September 14, 2012

My High School Office

So I work with 8th and 9th graders.  In my district, 8th graders are at the middle school and 9th graders are across campus at the high school.  This means I have to travel back and forth between buildings.  Some days I go back and forth and back and forth and then back again, haha!  I am blessed to be able to go where, and do what I need to do to serve my students.  I have actually joked that I could be home napping and neither building would be the wiser.  Honestly, I would never do that, but it gets a chuckle out of people.

There are some advantages to not having set office hours in each building, although I can see the benefits of that as well.  Most days I don't mind going between buildings.  I also try really hard to equal out my time.  If anything, my day is always varied.  I never always do the same thing as yesterday.   In Arkansas we have lots of great weather days.  It is nice to be able to get outside and soak in some sun for a few minutes at time.  I didn't even complain today as it rained because we really need the rain in our area.  My flip flops got wet, which can be dangerous when you are as "graceful" as me, but even that wasn't too bad.  I am at an age where I don't really care what my hair looks like, so it doesn't bother me to get a little rained on. :)

Here is a picture of me, in my car, going between buildings.  I was already parked when I took the photo by the way!  

There can be some challenges trying to keep two offices.  The biggest one I've run into is that if I need something it is probably at the other building.  That is frustrating for sure.  I hate to not be there for the kids when they need me too.  I have a load of stuff that I feel like I always need, so I carry those things between buildings in a expandable cart that rolls on wheels.  It's my mobile office I guess you could say.

Anyway, here are a few pictures of my high school office:
 I have a white board on my door for students to leave me messages if I am not available.  You can't see it, but I also have a mailbox on the wall (although I always forget to check it).

My office is pretty small.  I have to admit that I get jealous of other counselors who have nice spacious offices with comfy furniture and different areas, etc.  The 10th - 12th grade counselor has an office next door to mine.  Our counseling center does have a waiting area and a group room that we share.

 My desk is messy - I work in piles, but I know where most things are when I need them.  :)  If not, a little digging can produce everything else. LOL!

This is a shot kind of catty corner from my desk.  I have two main chairs, and then three black chairs that stack.  We can bring those out when I have more than two students/parents at a time.  If you look closely you can see the handle of my rolly cart! 

Well, that is probably enough for now.  In my next post I'll share my middle school office.  I hope everyone has a nice relaxing weekend! :)

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